[EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 videos?

Byron Schlemmer me at byron.me.uk
Fri Jul 10 18:11:17 CEST 2009

2009/6/24 Jonathan Hartley <tartley at tartley.com>:
> Hi Byron,
> We will not be videoing talks, simply because we have not had anybody with
> time, knowledge and equipment who has volunteered to do it.
> We do, however, have someone who is able to make audio recordings, and they
> have whipped up a handful of eager helpers to cover the multiple rooms, so
> we will be doing that. The audio files will need rudimentary editing and
> uploading, and hopefully will be up soon after the conference, for FREE!


Audio from the talks up yet? I appreciate this is dependent on someone
free time. Just checking I didn't miss the link to them off the site.



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