[EuroPython] EuroPython 2009 Dates

John Pinner funthyme at gmail.com
Wed May 21 19:08:06 CEST 2008

2008/5/21 Laura Creighton <lac at openend.se>:
> In a message of Wed, 21 May 2008 13:03:00 BST, "John Pinner" writes:
>>We are booking the venue for EP2009 in Birmingham, UK. We have to do
>>this soon as the venues get booked up rather earlier than in Vilnius!
>>Traditionally EuroPython is held one week in July, Monday to
>>Wednesday.  Tradition has more to do with cheapness (Universities
>>having vacations) than anything else.
>>Another option would be to have EP in September, over a weekend, for
>>example Friday to Sunday.
>>There would be no difference in cost.
>>Please give us your opinion...
>>John Pinner
> Ah, its not 'Monday to Wednesday'.  Those are only the times
> when we have the talks.

Yes, that's how we advertise EP 2008, 7th-9th July.

> But the days of sprinting are very much
> part of Europython.  So I don't think that a weekend is going to
> be long enough.

No, but if we were to have the core talks over the weekend it could
possible maximise the community involvement.

> I'd be happier if Europython was in September, rather than July.

Personally I'd prefer July, if only because we tend to take our
holiday (if we have one, that is ;) in September.

> Is getting a week in September an option?

I have July booked provisionally, for both talks and dinner: Almost
certainly we could change this to September.

I thought that it would be best to ask the list first before
finalising the booking, as I know some people like September.

And in the light of recent experience on another subject, I thought
let's be explicit and ask, rather than assume implicitly that the
status quo is what people prefer!

As July has become traditional by default, it's generally known when
EP will be, so other conferences know to plan around it.

So far, it looks like:  July 3 votes, September 1+


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