[EuroPython] Vote for a New EuroPython Logo!

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Sun Mar 23 00:26:33 CET 2008

On Saturday 22 March 2008 23:36:49 Reinoud van Leeuwen wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 03:20:37PM -0700, kirby urner wrote:
> > Works for me.  I get a list of contestants, a thumbnail page, a full
> > size page.
> Hmm Firefox accepts it but Safari not. And for a good reason:
> on http://www.europython.org/community/Planning/ProposedLogo/Jonkman the
> not working image is referred to as
> http:/wiki/ep2008/img/logo/europython-112x80.png (Safari)

Yes, this is the result of what the MoinMoin help actually suggests:


> The HTML source is
> <a class="external"
> href="http:/wiki/ep2008/img/logo/europython-112x80.png"><img
> alt="http:/wiki/ep2008/img/logo/europython-112x80.png"
> src="http:/wiki/ep2008/img/logo/europython-112x80.png"
> title="http:/wiki/ep2008/img/logo/europython-112x80.png" /></a>
> Other images on the page are things like:
> src="/wiki/modern/img/star_off.png"
> But /wiki is of course something else that http:/wiki

Not necessarily. Please see RFC 3986, which is probably what most browsers 


I'd be interested to hear whether people experience difficulties with Internet 

> So please fix the other problems first, and test your code. We are using a
> language that has fantastic test frameworks. Delivering something sloppy
> like this is really bad press IMHO....

I suggest that you bring Safari's apparent inability to handle RFC 3986 to its 
developers. I note that Konqueror 3.5.6, which shares some technology with 
Safari, has no problems showing the images.


P.S. Volunteers are always welcome to improve the Web site.

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