[EuroPython] Vote for a New EuroPython Logo!

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Sat Mar 22 22:30:12 CET 2008

We’ve had many great submissions for the EuroPython logo competition, and it 
is now time to make a decision: the current logo has been in use since 
EuroPython began back in 2002; which logo should replace it?

Visit the EuroPython Web site to browse the entrants and to cast your votes:


We’ll announce the winning logo after a suitable amount of time has elapsed, 
but don’t risk being too late: visit the site and vote now!

(Apologies to anyone reading this for the second or third time. As some of you 
may have noticed, EuroPython conference blog entries are now carried by the 
Planet Python feed.)

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