[EuroPython] Reality Check in Winter

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Tue Nov 27 01:14:23 CET 2007

On Monday 26 November 2007 21:57:04 kirby urner wrote:
> Yo EuroFolk! (Volk or whatever)...  Just thought I'd drop in from a
> frosty Pacific coastal rain forest, heavy into chip fab, to ask about
> the state of the web framework as of today.

We're currently discussing stuff on the europython-improve list which was set 
up after the conference but which has been quiet for quite some time:


You're welcome to join! My suggestion is to go with a Wiki for the main Web 
site, and to let those with stronger opinions figure out how they want to do 
registration and the talk management. ;-)

It's interesting to hear of your experiences with the PyCon systems, though.


> Kirby Urner
> Portland, Oregon
> Europythons:  Göteberg 05, Vilnius 07

Perhaps we should have badges or medals for display to other conference 
participants, showing which of the previous conferences we've been to. :-)


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