[EuroPython] python - stealth window

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Thu Nov 8 00:52:06 CET 2007

In a message of Wed, 07 Nov 2007 23:14:22 +0100, Adam writes:
>I want create Windows console window in stealth with Python script. I tri
>search on internet but I do not find anything. I want something like this
>just it is in C++:
>    HWND stealth; /*creating stealth (window is not visible)*/
>    AllocConsole();
>    stealth=FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass",NULL);
>    ShowWindow(stealth,0);
>So I start my script and that is will be run in the background and I can
>trick with "hotkeys" in WINAMP. I do not worry for a new one window. :-) 
>hope you understand me because my english is not perfect.

Your English is fine, but this is not the place to discuss questions
like that.  This mailing list is for discussing how to run the
annual Europython conference.  Send your mail to python-list at python.org

good luck,
Laura Creighton

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