[EuroPython] Hotel Reservation

fabio.pliger fabio.pliger at siavr.it
Thu May 31 14:39:06 CEST 2007

> >This is true, I just spoke to the hotel people. So if this 1 Euro makes

> >
a big difference -- you can reserve the room in the normal way.
Oh.. of course 1 euro does not make the difference. I hope my post was not 
interpretated as  a critic because it's not. My post was only to clearify 
things as i'm about to book the hotel and was hoping to book it in the "best 
way". Also because i didn't undertand the difference between the "wellness" 
services from the 2 offers and was not able to find many other hotels near 
the conference center.
> >
This is incorrect. The 79 euros price per double is only valid on

> >
weekends, that is Fri-Sun and thus does not really work if you want to

> >
attend the conference.

> >
Also, the conference special offer does not imply that they have to

> >
provide the absolute cheapest prices, they do make things more

> >
convenient for the conference though.

>From the hotel website it's not specified ( or at least i wasn't able to 
find it! ) that the offer only for weekends. It's only specified that is for 
booking 30 days earlier..  
Anyway, i was only searching for info... 

LENNART: Is it a problem for you to pass me the name of the hotel ( directly 
to my email.. ) you booked so i can look ther too? thanks a lot...
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