[EuroPython] EP 2007: shouldn't we be active ?

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Wed Jan 10 14:42:39 CET 2007

"Nicolas Pettiaux" <nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be> writes:

> Hello
> I wish you all a happy and fruitful year 2007 and us all a very good
> Europython conference in July 2007 in Vilnius.
> With the new year and the good resolutions and actions that come
> along, I was wondering if we should not be active and communicative on
> this list, the europython.org website and the wiki about the
> organisation of this year conference.

Yes we should.

> I'll try to be more active myself, contribute ideas and writing in the
> wiki and I hereby propose to take the charge of the education track if
> this can help (I remember that last year, Laura Creighton had a hard
> time and this subject interest me very much)

I don't think it's so much the specific tracks that need work at this
stage, but rather more conference-wide things.  I think it would be
good to try to have a timetable for issuing call for papers, and so

Some kind of widely-spread announcement about EuroPython would be good
to have fairly soon, I think.

> Could someone help with the archiving of the site of previous year,
> while ensuring that they remain fully searchable and usable as
> reference, to show everyone how active the previous conferences were ?
> What about having our own, if needed, site to deal with the
> registration of the papers ? 

We have talked about installing Indico (the software we used last
time) to do this.  I could probably install it on the
starship.python.net machine.

> On which machine could this run ? Who could help with its setup and
> maintenance ?  

We had a promise from the CERN people to help with our installation, I

> (I am afraid I do not have the capabilities, but I am willing to
> contribute as much as I can here too)
> Best regards,
> Nicolas
> -- 
> Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be
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