[EuroPython] Web site additions

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Mon May 15 23:28:00 CEST 2006


The more inquisitive among you will have noticed that, thanks to the technical 
wizardry of Jean-Marc Orliaguet, we now have a "calendar" tab on the 
EuroPython front page, inspired by the PyCon "event calendar" but without the 
same friendly greeting ("The days in the following table are wrong; we need 
to update them.") Since this challenged the space occupied by the 
"accommodation" tab, that particular label has been changed to "places to 

In the "tracks and talks" section, I've removed the announcement pages, 
placing them in a new section ("announcements"), and then hiding that section 
in order to remove those links at the bottom of the "tracks and talks" page. 
Sorry if there was an easier way, but I did check to see if anyone known to 
Google was deep-linking to those pages: my sensors detect that no-one was.

Comments are welcome, as always, and special attention should be paid to the 
dates listed in the calendar as this was the focus of much of the IRC 


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