[EuroPython] Is EuroPython happening this year?

Benedikt Hegner benedikt.hegner at cern.ch
Sat May 13 12:46:24 CEST 2006

Hi all,

> 2006/5/12, Benedikt Hegner <benedikt.hegner at cern.ch>:
>> > The impression I get is that the most useful thing right now  
>> would be
>> > a kick to the backside of various management types at CERN, but
>> > there's not much we can do about that :/
>> The problem Michael mentions is related to our payment module we have
>> in the software. It was some kind of political issue what the people
>> here want to have stored on their server. But the registration will
>> be opened soon.
> could you please be more precise and let us know what " some kind of
> political issue"" means and when will "soon" be ?
Political issue means in detail the following:
There is the indico server for all the conferences (including  
europython) where you can register. Up to now there was no payment  
module inside the registration. Since the server is used for other  
things as well, they didn't want to make quick hacks inside the code.  
Instead they started developing a full blown payment module. Since  
they couldn't give a timeline for that there was a parallel solution  
to use an interface to store the info inside the registrant database  
without changing indico itself. Based on the very good information  
given by Joachim one guy here developed the interface. The only  
problem was that now having the things in hand we weren't allowed to  
access the database for reasons I still don't understand. This is the  
political issue.
But now the official module is ready. What does "soon" mean? I am  
_right now_ sitting in my office and writing the missing europython  
specific parts.

>> The other things are more or less running smoothly.
> Please let us know what are these "other things that run smoothly" as,
> as some people let know on this list, some of us begin to wonder if
> the conference can really take place.
okay. This are still the same things as mentioned a long time ago.
Rooms - we have rooms with the needed equipment. But not all of them  
have video conferencing. Is is a problem? The idea is to store  
possibly interesting talks. Do we have a good possibility to store  
them somewhere at CERN?
CERN visit - we have a CERN tour for 100 people.  Open issue here -  
is it possibly to organize a second tour for more people?
Dinner - I don't have the list here what will be served but I think I  
brought it up in one of the irc meetings some months ago
Network equipment for sprints - waiting in our IT division to be  
picked up
People helping with on site tasks - already enough volunteers.
Hostel rooms - prebooked and waiting.

Open points we will address during the next two weeks:
- discussion about the registration issue and consequences.
  - we have to ask our print service about our conference poster again.
- our CERN Restaurant will be partially closed for renovation. So  
what does it mean for us? Will we all go to Restaurant II?
- will we have the possibility to get the sports field next to CERN  
during one of the sprint days?
- How many CERN gifts (T-Shirts and so) are in stock and do we have  
to ask them for have some more there?
- CERN shuttle service. Should we or should we not use it?

That about the status here at CERN. If you think there is some  
information missing - please ask. And one proposal for the people who  
are more interested in local tasks and want to help - should we make  
a videoconference on vrvs.org for you?

>> As long as we get
>> enough people coming here it will be a very nice conference!
> How come the people could come if they can hardly register ... and
> pay. Maybe the payment issue could be defered and we let the people
> register without payment, the CERN taking the risk to host a
> conference with some people not paying.
You are right. No registration - no participants. That's all the  
discussion here is about.

for questions and discussions - I propose an irc meeting Monday  
afternoon 17:00.


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