[EuroPython] Python for Kids?

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Thu Mar 23 05:08:03 CET 2006

In a message of Wed, 22 Mar 2006 11:37:10 +0100, Jan Ulrich Hasecke writes:
>I am interested to register for the europython and would like to come  
>with my son. He is 13 and has started to program with python 2 years  
>ago. He is interested in the game track of course. Are there any  
>other events for "kids", interested in learning python?

Let us discuss this on edu-sig at python.org

I am a chair of the education track.  The short answer is, 'we can
do whatever we want'.  Teaching children is a currently popular
topic in edu-sig.  I wonder how many other people would bring their
children if we did something like this?

followups to edu-sig,

Laura Creighton

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