[EuroPython] Site europython 2006

Paul Everitt paul at zope-europe.org
Tue Jan 10 13:22:49 CET 2006

Just to emphasize this point, history has shown that only a small  
number of people, namely the conference organizers, spend any non- 
negligible time working on *content* for the site.

As such, this organizer's group should be free to make any technology  
choice they want.  The idea that "if we had a better tool, people  
would write more" has proven itself to be wishful thinking.  People  
simply haven't been motivated to write content, IMO, and use the  
website technology as an excuse for lack of contribution.  (I'm as  
much to blame on this as anybody.)


On Jan 10, 2006, at 12:55 PM, Nicolas Chauvat wrote:

> Just for historical concerns...
> On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 06:42:52PM +0100, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
>>> jan 09 17:43:10 dlk	we switched from Plone to CPS because no-one  
>>> was happy with plone.
> or rather, people willing to do the work did not know plone and did
> not want to learn.
>>> jan 09 17:43:32 dlk	and b fore that we swithced from something  
>>> else to plone because none was happy with what was avialble then.
> before that it was Zope and people willing to do the work thought it
> would be easier with plone.
> -- 
> Nicolas Chauvat
> logilab.fr - services en informatique avancée et gestion de  
> connaissances
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