[EuroPython] Registration

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Fri Apr 21 13:41:26 CEST 2006

"Harald Armin Massa" <haraldarminmassa at gmail.com> writes:

> Hello felloe EuroPythonistas!
> today I started telephone-poking would-be speakers of the EP conference.
> Of course I urged them to register and to do a proposal ... so we get at
> least a visitor, if not a speaker.
> But...
> http://indico.cern.ch/confRegistrationFormDisplay.py/display?confId=44
> Registration disabled is. That is bad; we should IMMEDEATELY enable it
> again :)

It is my understanding that it is not possible to pay for the
conference yet.  Are you willing to let people register and assume
they will pay up later?

I guess it would be a good thing to hear from Benedikt or Joachim or
whoever about what the status of this end of things is.

> People are willing to register if they want to do a talk; thats a "2
> in 1 decision", and we should really not force them to split this
> decision

I would also like a pony :)


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