[EuroPython] knock, knock!

Michael Sparks zathras at thwackety.com
Fri Sep 30 20:33:07 CEST 2005

On Friday 30 September 2005 13:47, Michael Hudson wrote:
> So, it's been a few months since EuroPython 2005, and I think it's
> probably time to start moving -- very slowly, maybe, at this point --
> towards EuroPython 2006.

In some respects the sooner things are started the easier they are.

> I have a vague recollection of volunteering to be program chair, which
> means I'm interested in knowing who I can dupe into being a track
> chair :)

I'd like to volunteer to help out with this sort of thing this year. 

> I have a less vague recollection of not wanting anything to do with
> the website, but would certainly be interested in know who is able to
> help with that.  

Depending on the tools used I'd be willing to help out with the website. (I've 
not actually used any of the well known python web frameworks though - I tend 
to prefer to roll my own - which is what we use on the kamaelia website.).

> In particular, could someone who can put something 
> like "See you at CERN in 2006!" on the front page of the site?

That would be a good thing indeed! 

> But mainly the point of this mail is just to see who's out there and
> awake.  So: "BOO!" :)





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