[EuroPython] knock, knock!

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Fri Sep 30 14:47:52 CEST 2005

So, it's been a few months since EuroPython 2005, and I think it's
probably time to start moving -- very slowly, maybe, at this point --
towards EuroPython 2006.

I have a vague recollection of volunteering to be program chair, which
means I'm interested in knowing who I can dupe into being a track
chair :)

I have a less vague recollection of not wanting anything to do with
the website, but would certainly be interested in know who is able to
help with that.  In particular, could someone who can put something
like "See you at CERN in 2006!" on the front page of the site?

But mainly the point of this mail is just to see who's out there and
awake.  So: "BOO!" :)


  > Touche! But this confirms you are composed of logic gates.
  Crud, I thought those were neurons in there.
                    -- Thomas F. Burdick, Kenny Tilton, comp.lang.lisp

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