[EuroPython] knock, knock!

Michael Sparks zathras at thwackety.com
Thu Oct 6 02:00:21 CEST 2005

On Sunday 02 October 2005 15:58, Michael Hudson wrote:
> Michael Sparks <zathras at thwackety.com> writes:
> > On Friday 30 September 2005 13:47, Michael Hudson wrote:
> >> I have a vague recollection of volunteering to be program chair, which
> >> means I'm interested in knowing who I can dupe into being a track
> >> chair :)
> >
> > I'd like to volunteer to help out with this sort of thing this year.
> Cool.  Python Frameworks, maybe?  

Sounds good to me :-)

Have we considered a games track BTW? It strikes me that one of the more
public uses of python at the moment, and a big draw is writing games. It's
also potentially the sort of area which you could potentially draw in a
sponsor for. (Track sponsors?)

A games track could cover things like pygame, pygame toolsets, how to embed 
python inside a games engine, exposing C/C++ objects as python objects & vice 
versa and similar areas. I know some of these areas aren't really specific to 
games, but they are specifically interesting to games people.

> Unless we have a concurrency track :) 

Lots of people do seem to be looking at that area at the moment, but I don't 
really see the point of specialising it. ( *sobs* ;-) )

> [ Volunteering to help with website ]
> Well, currently the site uses CPS (http://www.cps-project.org/) and I
> don't think there's any plans to redo everything completely.  

Fair enough -- I'll take a look at it :-)

One thing I might do is go through the website (probably at the weekend or 
next week though) and list the functions of all the pages in the site from 
last year.

> Anyway, it's not my problem :)




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