[EuroPython] Late talk/speach proposal

Henrik Sandklef hesa at sandklef.com
Mon May 23 12:41:00 CEST 2005


...sorry for being late. If it is still possible I would like to give a
speach together with Mathias Klang (Project lead Creative Commons /
sweden) called:

	Free Software, free culture, free society

	The first part of the talk defines free software and focuses on 
	the importance of free software as a basis for a free society.

	What is free culture? How did culture evolv prior
	to the digital age and how is it evolving now. We take
	a look at restrictions which are imposed by law.

If there is chance, please let me know and I'll send over more

best regards, hesa

Henrik Sandklef 
Free Software Foundation Europe   

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