[EuroPython] Accepted Talks (Q: Push back early bird?)

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue May 17 13:44:17 CEST 2005

Jacob Hallen wrote:
> You get to register as a speaker if you have submitted a (serious) proposal. 
> You don't have to be accepted as a speaker.
> Also, since I got no word to the contrary, we are currently claiming that we 
> are running all the talks that have been registered. Where to find the list 
> of talks has been widely published.

That's an interesting claim ;-)

BTW, could someone please update the following page:


with a note that the talk proposal period is over and change
the line "Track chair wanted - contact europython at python.org"
to "Martijn Faasen, Marc-André Lemburg and a team of volunteers".

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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