[EuroPython] Python Framework track (has our talk been accepted?)

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu May 5 17:19:11 CEST 2005

Jacob Hallen wrote:
> torsdag 05 maj 2005 12.21 skrev M.-A. Lemburg:
>>I'd be willing to help out with track chairing for the
>>Framework track, if there'd be two or three others joining in -
>>with a team of three or four for the track, the job could be
>>leveraged to still allow attending other talks during the
> Thanks for your offer. I'm sure I can find one or two people at Strakt who can 
> be drafted into doing part of the track chairing as well, so I think we have 
> a working solution for that part.

Should work: I think that one of the track chairs should be
present for the intro to each new talk.

If possible, I would not like the framework and business
tracks to overlap, since I'd like to attend a few of the
business talks.

> The other part of track chairing is to review the submitted talks to see that 
> we aren't getting something that is unwanted. Either that we have talks that 
> overlap too much, there is something that seems to be sub-standard or if 
> there is something where it would be useful to ask the speaker to modify 
> his/her approach to the subject. Would you be able to make such a review of 
> the registered talks?

Depends on the timeframe - I'm very busy at the moment, so I could
only spare an hour or two. I would need to know the following

* How many 30-minute slots are available for the track ?
* On which days would those slots be happening ?
* Is it possible to combine 30-minute slots ?
* Is it possible to reassign talks to other tracks ?
* Where's the web-interface for the track database ?
* What's the deadline for approval decisions ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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