[EuroPython] EuroPython talk proposal

Michael Volkmer volkmer at scionics.de
Sun May 1 22:50:14 CEST 2005


sorry, I couldn't get the "Register Presentation" page work.
I'm so free to send you my talk proposal by mail.

M. Volkmer

Track: Science

Titel: Python and a few more animals - using Python in science & 
research at MPI-CBG

The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Dresden, 
a new research facility in Germany, while established five years ago, 
got already some reputation in the scientific community for its 
interdisciplinary approach to the research in these areas.
The talk will give an overview how Python is used for the IT software 
infrastructure of the research institute. The talk is also going into 
some details as Python for administrative and scientific databases, 
Python for solving bioinformatics tasks, Python for image processing & 
analysis and Python for hardware control. The final of the talk is a 
discussion of Python compared to other programming languages and 
software environments used at the MPI-CBG.

Duration: 30 min

Email: volkmer at scionics.de

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