[EuroPython] Scheduling meeting and scheduling input

Magnus Lycka magnus at thinkware.se
Thu Jun 9 14:56:03 CEST 2005

> I have made a first draft schedule at:
> http://www.strakt.com/~jacob/europython/schedule.html

Thanks Jacob, the conference suddenly seems more "real"
when you see it like this. :) I hope to see a set schedule
soon at the web site.

Bea and Harald: Johan Andersson's talk "Tests for team 
motivation" and Goeff and Emily Bache's TextTest tutorial,
both cover TextTest (although not in detail in Johan's
talk). It's likely that people with an interest in testing
in general, and TextTest in particular (including all three 
speakers) would like to attent both talks. BTW, it's
probably good idea if the py.test talk doesn't collide with
another testing talk as well. If I understood Harald's mail,
the TextTest talk might have moved to Tuesday morning, but
I wanted both of you to be aware of the issue anyway, since
the Tutorial and Social tracks run in parallel almost the 
whole time.

BTW, it seems testing with Python is as popular at EPC this
year as it was last. Except the three talks that touch
TextTest (the two above and Emily's C-Lab talk) there are
talks about py.test, Selenium and PyGTK testing.

See you!


Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
http://www.thinkware.se/  mailto:magnus at thinkware.se

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