[EuroPython] IRC meeting and other organizational fluff

Paul Everitt paul at zope-europe.org
Thu Dec 15 15:45:26 CET 2005

On Dec 15, 2005, at 3:34 PM, Michael Hudson wrote:

> Aiste Kesminaite <aiste at pov.lt> writes:
>>> I (and Holger) think it would be a good idea to have an IRC  
>>> meeting on
>>> #europython early in the new year to talk about next year's
>>> conference.
>> +1
>>> The first suggested time/date is Monday the 9th of
>>> January at 1800 GMT+1, but if no-one else can make this it'll get
>>> moved a bit.  Comments?
>> It would be more convenient for me to have it an hour earlier,  
>> i.e. 1700
>> GMT+1.
> Makes little difference to me.  Paul?  Benedikt?  Holger?  Anyone  
> else?

No problem for me.


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