Re: [EuroPython] Web site wonderings

Magnus Lycka magnus at
Tue Mar 2 18:41:12 EST 2004

Laura wrote:
> People with multiple email addresses who cannot remember which one
> they used to instantiate official identity on the website -- will
> often instatiate again, suffer website-multiple-personality-disorder.
> Making this thing do call by reference, via 'Full Name' may work, or
> may not.  So what.

But what if they got an email sent to the mail address they
registered with, saying something like:

Confirmation of registration for the EuroPython 2004 Conference.

Someone (presumably you) have registered to attend at the EuroPython
2004 Conference in ... with the following information:

Please get in touch with us at admin at if this
is not correct.

Log in to the EPC web site at [url] using whatever at with 
password ew435df2 if you want to change or add any information,
such as food preferences or to submit papers etc, or if you want 
to book a room at our bla bla bla.

Make sure that you save this information for further reference.

Don't you think that would reduce the burden a bit?

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65  mailto:magnus at

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