[EuroPython] EPC 2005 and 2006

Anna Ravenscroft rev_anna_r at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 11 09:34:51 EDT 2004

--- Dario_Lopez-Kästen <dario at ita.chalmers.se> wrote:
> Anna Ravenscroft wrote:
> > 
> > So - in short, add to the Con an official, formal encouragement of:
> > 
> > *  bidding parties/booths
> > *  closing ceremonies
> > *  formal vote and announcement of next year's con committee
> hi, i've been having som emore contact with CERN regarding this
> matter.
> While, I agree with Anna's proposal and think it is a great idea, it 
> turns out that in this specific case, it is very hard for CERN to
> have 
> this way of action.
> Due to the nature of the administration of an isntitute the size of 
> CERN, they need to be preparing the EPC 2006 from just about now to
> be 
> able to organise it. There was a slight possiblity that having it in 
> 2005 would have been possible, but having it in 2006 is definitely a 
> possibility.
> They are very interested in hosting the EPC, but they need the
> certainty 
> of having it.
> So I propose that for this special case, we decide that EPC 2006 is
> to 
> be held in CERN, and that we from there on go with Anna's proposal.

Better yet, use the fact that we know ahead of time to give time for
folks to work up their proposals for 2007. They can host a proposal
party/hospitality suite/booth at EP 2005, and have plenty of time to

Something else that works well, in fandom, is the idea that you have
"heads" of areas and "subheads" who are kind of willing to step up and
be in charge of particular areas. subheads basically have a chance to
see how the heads did it and learn from them. (kinda like pair
programming between an experienced and inexperienced programmer) 

It may be worth considering. 


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