[EuroPython] Payment

Jacob Hallén jacob at strakt.com
Wed Jun 2 09:38:07 EDT 2004

On onsdag 2 juni 2004 15.00, Jeroen Vloothuis wrote:
> Because I was a bit late with payment the SWIFT option was closed.
> Therefore we tried the following:
> Payed for Peter Maas in full (220 euro)
> Put myself on staff (0 euro)
> We payed with creditcard, I hope this will work out ok.
> Regards,
> 	Jeroen Vloothuis

Peter is registered, but you are not, as things are right now. I think this is 
because trying to pay 0 Euro by credit card does not work.

If you repeat the registration procedure, but use the "Special arrangements" 
payment method, things should work better. Please remember that you have to 
do one extra round of confirmation after finishing the registration forms.

Jacob Hallén

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