[EuroPython] Draft CFP for review

Jacob Hallén jacob at strakt.com
Mon Feb 23 11:30:08 EST 2004

The EuroPython Conference -the third edition of this event (EPC2004)-
will this year take place in Göteborg, Sweden from June 7-9.  The
conference organizers are now accepting proposals for presentations
and tutorials.

We are looking for participation in the following
conference tracks: 

- Python Applications (new for 2004)
- Python Business
- Python in Education (new for 2004)
- Python Frameworks
- Python Language
- Python in Science
- Python Tutorials
- Zope

From this year on -- in addition to the two new tracks --
there is also the organisation of a refereed track. A seperate
announcement will be made for this track. 

Track descriptions are available at
<http://www.europython.org/sessions/descriptions>.  The deadline for
submissions is **Thursday, April 15**.

For the non-refereed tracks, you can propose a 30 minute talk, 45
minute talk, or a 90- minute tutorial.

To propose a talk or tutorial, please visit the Talk Submission page
at <http://www.europython.org/ep2004/Talks/callFor>.

If you don't have the time to prepare a full-length talk, we will also
be seeking people who want to give a 'Lightning Talk': a short (5
minute), focused talk about any Python- or Zope-related subject you

For more information about any conference track, please contact the
track chairperson listed at

For general questions about the conference, please visit the
conference website at <http://www.europython.org/">.

About EuroPython Conference 2004

EuroPython Conference 2004 is the premiere venue for meeting Python
and Zope developers from Europe and beyond.  As one of the first
community-organized Python and Zope conferences, the EuroPython
Conference delivers the atmosphere and information developers
want. The conference will be held June 7-9, 2004 in Göteborg, Sweden.
Information is available at the EuroPython website at
<http://www.europython.org>. For more information, contact
<europython at python.org>.

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