[EuroPython] Next IRC Meeting 2004-02-23 1880 CET

Anna Ravenscroft rev_anna_r at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 17 06:58:21 EST 2004

Just wanted to update folks - my harddrive crashed yesterday after we
got back from a weekend in Rome. I'm on my laptop now... Hoping to have
the workstation resurrected sometime tomorrow... [crossing fingers]


--- Michael Hudson <mwh at python.net> wrote:
> We seem to have settled into Mondays at 6pm Central European time for
> meetings of the EuroPython Organizing Cabal, and as such the next
> meeting is scheduled for Monday 23rd February 2004, 1800 CET,
> #europython on the freenode network.
> If this habit is preventing you from attending these meetings we need
> to know!  It would be good to see more track chairs at the meetings.
> You can read agendas, logs and minutes from previous meetings at:
>     http://z3u.com/ep2004/IRCMeetings
> Cheers,
> mwh
> -- 
>   Monte Carlo sampling is no way to understand code.
>                                   -- Gordon McMillan,
> comp.lang.python
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