[EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Fri Apr 30 06:03:10 EDT 2004

Dario Lopez-Kästen <dario at ita.chalmers.se> writes:

> Jim Fulton wrote:
>> I need to make travel arrangements. A number of people have
>> expressed interest
>> in sprinting through the 12th.  I propose then to sprint the 10th
>> through the 12th.
>> That's three days after the conference.  Is that OK? Will there be
>> facilities?
> FYI:
> I am now trying to arrange to borrow an entire floor (the one upstairs
> to my office) for sprints. This is not exactly at the conference
> place, but within a 5 minute stroll (sp?)

like that :-)

> from the conference area.
> If it works it means that we can borrow this for about 2 weeks, one
> week before the conference and one week after, which means that we can
> use them on the weekend after the conference as well.

This sounds seriously excellent!  Hope it works out.


  ... but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if I don't have to.  On
  the other hand, if the currently instantiated version of the wheel
  consists of a square rock covered with moss, I might as well just
  start fresh.                          -- Roy Smith, comp.lang.python

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