[EuroPython] A 'Testing track'?

Stefane Fermigier sf at nuxeo.com
Thu Apr 29 13:53:20 EDT 2004

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> Looking at the talks submitted for the frameworks track, there are 
> *five* talks about software testing (or in case of std contains a 
> significant portion about software testing), submitted by 5 different 
> people. I don't know why this is suddenly such a hot topic. It could be 
> a track all by itself. :)
> Some of these tests probably are better off in the tutorials track. I'll 
> try to negotiate with Jacob to move 'm over. I also think there is 
> enough overlap between some of the talks forcing me to drop one or two.
> Anyway, no particular point to this message, just some surprise.

I have submitted a talk about the EDOS project, distributed QA and the 
PyPackage project to the Zope track, for I didn't see any other track 
that would seem to fit.

If there is a testing track, I suppose that this my proposal should be 
included in this track instead.

(The reason I submitted it to the Zope track is because the "QA portal" 
that will be developped for the project is built on Zope/CPS, but 
otherwise it is more a testing / qa / packaging thing than a Zope thing.)


Stéfane Fermigier, Tel: +33 (0)6 63 04 12 77 (mobile).
Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server: http://www.nuxeo.com/cps
Gestion de contenu web / portail collaboratif / groupware / open source!

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