Re: [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions

Magnus Lycka magnus at
Thu Apr 22 09:48:31 EDT 2004

Michael Hudson wrote:
> Well, you can see the list of tracks at
> You can't see the program because we don't know what it is yet!
> Indeed, you can still submit talk applications for another few days.
> Nevertheless, some of the track chairs have accepted some talks, which
> you can see if you go to the 'more info' page for each track.

If you want to have a peek at the not yet approved talks,
you can do the following:

1. Click on the search tab on the top of the EuroPython web page.

2. Uncheck all item types except "Plone Conference Talk"

3. Press search.

There are some entries in the result list which are just noise,
and obviously, there is no guarantee that a talk which hasn't
been approaved will be held, but you will still get a better
impression of what the conference will contain. I exepect that
there will be many more talks than these though. People still
have the coming weekend to decide what to talk about at EPC,
and I suspect that a few latecomers will be approved as well...

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65  mailto:magnus at

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