[EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website

John Pinner john at clocksoft.com
Mon Apr 12 11:12:46 EDT 2004

Hello All,

I have been using the website 'in anger' (no, I'm not _really_ cross).
It all looks very good. I'll have to find out about this Plone stuff one

I have some comments:

1. Registration.

I am logged in as me, john, then I register. At the end of registration
I am given a new login id, john1. Why do I need a new id ?

2. Talk Submission.

There is no provision to enter a speaker's name. I was entering details
of talks for other people, and would have liked to be able to enter
their names.

What is the purpose of the 'long description' ? M-AL has used it to
enter his bio. There is apparently no other means to enter a bio.

3. Viewing Talks.

How am I _supposed_ to look at talks ? Here is what I have actually been

I go to submit a talk. Then without filling in the form I select 'Switch
to contents view'. Then I get a view of all the track's talks listed,
with an empty talk, say 'john04' (the one I started raising). It looks
like a number of other people have been doing this as well.

If I get a contents view of the tracks (not the talks) I get options to
cut, rename, delete whole tracks. I have not tested if they work!

If I select 'Contents view' while submitting a talk in the Python
Language track, I am given the same options (Cut, Rename, Delete etc)
which I can apply to any of the talks, although I should not be
authorised to do this.

If I do the same thing in my own track, the Business Track, I don't get
these options. I'd like them, but I guess I'm not authorised to do this
yet. So why can I play with mwh's talks?


John Pinner.
john at clocksoft.com
Clockwork Software Systems         'Systems to stand the test of time'
Bridge House, 17a Maybrook Road
Sutton Coldfield, B76 1AL. UK
Tel: +44 121 313 3850.  Fax: +44 121 313 3860

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