[EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or just for some tracks?

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Mon Apr 12 05:56:59 EDT 2004

"Heimo Laukkanen" <huima at iki.fi> writes:

> How does the program look like for other tracks at the moment? Is
> extending submission time something that would be good for the whole
> conference - or are we the only ones that need more time to wake up
> the  troops?

I think we should extend the deadline by a bit.  I need to do some
talk provoking, but haven't got around to it thanks last week to
hacking on registration, this weekend to family business and wont next
week thanks to PythonUK...

PS: if there's a #europython meeting tonight, I won't be at it...

  A.D. 1517: Martin Luther nails his 95 Theses to the church door and
             is promptly moderated down to (-1, Flamebait).
        -- http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=01/02/09/1815221&cid=52
                                        (although I've seen it before)

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