[EuroPython] RE : Europython Update: SPRINT ????

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Sat Apr 10 05:07:01 EDT 2004

In a message of Sat, 10 Apr 2004 09:51:25 +0200, "Didier Guillaume \(dguillaume\)" w
>I went for first time at Europython last year. So I am very motivated to
>come once again. Congratulations to the team for the organization and
>the attempts to be very affordable.
>I am no more a  niewbe in python i suppose. I don't have yet a very long
>experience. I am looking at about all approachs of python programming.

sounds good.

>My questions are about sprints.
>Can i assist as spectator or as active participator to sprints ?
>I am interested to learn more about python. 
>Are there conditions to participate , ... ?

yes, you need a laptop.  that's all. :-)

>Can you tell me if this is possible, about the dates and the subjects.
>I need that for the planning, registration dates and for my fly ticket.

well, from a conference point of view, if you want to sprint before EP,
then arrive the 3rd of june, and if you want to sprint after then
leave sunday the 13th of june.  doing both is also possible.
>Didier Guillaume

For your courage, you are now nominated thecontact person for
what I am calling 'the learning python sprint'.  Very cool, welcome aboard.
We need to get you a sprint coach.  For this topic, the problem will
be that we have too many volunteers -- I already know that Alex Martelli
wants to do this, but he also wants to hack in the pypy sprint, so ...
at any rate, this will not be a problem.

Ok, now we get to self-organise.  I cannot find the wiki page for
sprints, but we should have one someplace.  we now need more people
who are interested in this sprint, and some goals of what you want to
accomplish.  Then we just go off and do this.  It's fun.

Ok Didier, what do you want to do?


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