[EuroPython] Re: ReportLab Conference Kit - coming if you want it.

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Sat Sep 20 13:48:37 EDT 2003

On Sat, Sep 20, 2003, Andy Robinson wrote:
> ReportLab is building a "Conference Kit" which will be done by end
> November, and will be used to generate all documentation, timetables
> and maybe even badges for the XML Conference in Philly, Dec 7-12 2003.

Unless this is based on Zope (or some other web development system that
includes a full-blown CMS), it doesn't meet my goal for putting out this
proposal.  What we need for PyCon is actually pretty small, and while
bells and whistles would be handy, my primary concern is the long-term
maintenance of www.python.org.

There have been suggestions that python.org could use a CMS to solicit
contributions from the community.  However, none of the current
webmasters uses Zope, and I think a small-scale Real World [tm] trial is
the way to move things forward.

Also, I really want something available by mid-October.

If your system is that powerful and it's easy to import data, we may
well switch in January for the process of actually scheduling
presentations and so forth.
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

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