[EuroPython] Social Skill Track / Project Management Talks

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Tue Oct 7 09:13:56 EDT 2003

In a message of Tue, 07 Oct 2003 14:44:13 +0200, Martijn Faassen writes:
>Hi there,
>Reading through the list, you and Beatrice both could track chair
>together. That's a good sign; you can work out who is going to be
>it (or both).
>Harald Armin Massa earlier on the list already offered to do a talk
>on the track.
>The two issues I brought up to bring this track into focus would be:
>  * how does this differentiate itself from the business track? Lots of
>    the issues mentioned seem very similar to the mandate of the 
>    business track.
>  * how does this relate to Python technologies? Some concrete connection
>    would be useful.
>I'm most worried about the first issue. I also understand that the
>business track organizers haven't answered Jacob's emails yet, so 
>they're not in on this debate.
>Hoping I don't sound overly silly, an interesting topic on this track mig
>also be something like 'Women in Python'. I saw Laura claim Python attrac
>women blah blah elselist in a discussion about EU funding applications.
>If you want to substantiate/encourage that this may be the ideal opportun
>Though actually the Python list where the most women seem to participate
>actively may be this one. :)
>EuroPython mailing list
>EuroPython at python.org

I think you are talking about this:

>n) Gender issues are important.  That Python has been sucessfully taught to
>    girls is great.  Getting references about that would be a _major_ plus.
>    But we are pretty safe.  Compilers are not better used by men or
>    women ...

Mark Gudzial <guzdial at cc.gatech.edu> has tried an experimental course in
computing and media manipulation (for non-CS students), he used Jython as
programming language taught, 2/3 of the students were women,
and the preliminary results were very promising


Computing may well become considered an essential part of
a liberal education, but introductory programming courses
will not look like the way that they do today. Current CS1
course are failing dramatically. We are developing a new
course, to be taught starting in Spring 2003, which uses com-
putation for communication as a guiding principle. Students
learn to program by writing Python programs for manipu-
lating sound, images, and movies. This paper describes the
course development and the tools developed for the course.




and an article


Samuele Pedroni actually sent me that.


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