[EuroPython] Talks

Paul Everitt paul@eurozope.org
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 09:01:47 +0100

On vendredi, mars 21, 2003, at 16:32 Europe/Paris, Michael Hudson wrote:

> Dinu Gherman <gherman@darwin.in-berlin.de> writes:
>> Michael Hudson:
>>> From http://www.europython.org/sessions/cft
>>>     To propose a talk or tutorial, please visit the Talk Submission
>>>     page at http://www.europython.org/Talks/callFor
>>> Can you suggest better phrasing?  Would you rather have an email
>>> address?
>> Ok, there's more than I was aware of... maybe I was just irritated
>> by the fact that some 2002 content keeps lurking around on the
>> 2003 pages without much of a remark explaining why, like here:
>>    http://www.europython.org/other/interviews
>>    http://www.europython.org/sessions/presentations
> Like I said, I'm trying not to get sucked into running the website...

I don't mind doing a bunch of website work.  I'm eager to see others 
pitch in and help Tom, Michael, and me get this conference moving.

>> And, apparently, there is no overview of proposed talks, at least
>> not from the talks page:
>>    http://www.europython.org/sessions/talks
> Well, ... that's because ... noone's proposed any talks!

Indeed!  I'm struggling to find the original complaint.

>> That would perhaps be nice, so people wouldn't propose very simi-
>> lar topics more than once... don't know...
> That is not the biggest of our problems.

Indeed.  There aren't yet enough people willing to help make this 
conference a bigger success.  The list of things that *might* be done 
is much longer than the list of people eager to contribute.

In other words, we need less volunteering of ideas and suggestions, and 
more volunteering.
