[EuroPython] Broken website

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 11:40:02 +0100

Joachim Schmitz wrote:
> By moving to Zope-2.6.1 that problem should be fixed.

Hmm, how hard would that be given that the Zope site is
hosted by Amaze ? (they are running Zope 2.5.1 it seems)

> --On Mittwoch, Februar 12, 2003 09:37:09 +0100 "M.-A. Lemburg" 
> <mal@lemburg.com> wrote:
>> Tom Deprez wrote:
>>>> Ah, ok. Thanks. Hmm, the press release is also broken on that
>>>> instance. Anybody have the text somewhere ?
>>> Zut, my mistake... it's ok again on the www.europython.org
>> Thanks !
>> While waiting for a fix of the 2002 problem, could someone
>> explain the cause of the error I'm seeing:
>> Error Type: TALESError
>> Error Value: exceptions.UnicodeError on ASCII encoding error: ordinal not
>> in range(128) in "standard:'here/Localizer/changeLanguageForm'", at line
>> 174, column 7
>> I suppose the problem is related to the Localizer product.
>> Perhaps the product wasn't installed correctly or some
>> change was made which now causes Unicode to hit an unexpected
>> 8-bit string. Or is this related to TAL-usage in some template ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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Python UK 2003, Oxford:                                     48 days left
EuroPython 2003, Charleroi, Belgium:                       132 days left