[EuroPython] voting, proposals

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Fri Aug 15 15:45:24 EDT 2003

Martijn Faassen <faassen at vet.uu.nl> writes:

> Then there is the deadline issue. We set the deadline for today;
> what's Michael's status on the track chair tally? 

Not too good.  No response from Nicholas, Paul or Heimo.  Paul has
even posted here since I sent the ping...

>   * reach consensus on list on this decision procedure. Perhaps some more 
>     people could chip in saying it is okay. In particular I'd like to hear
>     from Denis -- this really can't go through if Denis doesn't agree. If he
>     doesn't then we will have to find an alternative together that satisfies
>     him. I consider this essential.

Yes, I would like to hear from Denis, too.  Maybe he's on vacation?

> Immediately afterwards while the votes are still streaming in and the
> entire world waits in suspense for the result, we should also consider
> whether we go the PBF route or not (and if not what then). This will have
> to be decided fairly soon as well for this to work out.



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             personal requirements for nutrition and pleasure.
    ARTHUR:  Ah.  So I'm a masochist on a diet am I?
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 9

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