[EuroPython] Re: Decision NOW

Tom Deprez tom at aragne.com
Tue Aug 12 17:34:23 EDT 2003

Oh no, I hope people didn't misinterpreted my mail.
I just want to be a little bit less active, since it looks like it all ends
up the same as the last 2 years. That is: some heavy discussions, silence
again some discussions, ... , at the end a lot people with a lot of nice
ideas, but too late. And at the conference, people a little bit annoyed
because some ideas aren't fullfullid.
I'm just keeping a low profile for the summer months and see where it will

I don't think I want to vote. People might think I'm biased to one
particular place because I helped organise it twice.
So I rather would not like to vote, I rather leave it to the people not
directly connected to a place. I like both proposals, the one a little bit
more because it's easier for me and the fact that I would certainly know
that I would be able to be there EP2004. But that are personal benefits
which don't apply.

Whatever the decission may be, I'll try to help the most I can.


Michael Hudson wrote:
> Dinu Gherman <gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de> writes:
>> Some "data-mining" on the website reveals these two relevant pages
>> below, which you can compare to get at the conclusion that you only
>> have to ask Shae Erisson, Marc Poinot and Tom Deprez, as the others
>> do overlap with EPC 2003.
> If they are still around and interested, they can be part of the party
> too.  It doesn't seem Shae or Marc even attended this year, though.
>> Finding them is another issue, but what do you expect from deadlines
>> in the middle of vacation periods every- where? ;-)
> Well, I didn't expect *everyone* to go silent all at once...
> Cheers,
> mwh
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