[EuroPython] For everybody

Tom Deprez tom@aragne.com
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 11:43:41 +0200


Yesterday, I've been at Charleroi. Denis (for those who don't know, the
local organiser (PS3B;Argane) of last year and this year), told me that
everything what we had last year will be there this year as well: Conference
building, projectors, catering, .... So this is something we don't have to
worry about (in case people did).

I've contacted Joachim some days ago and he told me that the
online-registration could be available before Eastern. So, this is good new
as well. From the moment Joachim has the link ready, we can start with the
online registration, which is soon.

Now, I'm a little bit sceptic however on the fact if there is enough
interest for a second EuroPython conference. Not many people have shown
their interest in giving a talk. If it stays like this, their won't be a
conference (my opinion). I would like to hear from the track chair people if
there is indeed a lack of interest. If they think they can change it. If
they think they can attrack people for giving a talk at the conference. So
that EuroPython can provide a good balanced program to the visitors

Keep in mind this is a community effort. It is the community who drives the
conference. A lot of people give a helping hand to guide the conference, but
at the end it is still the community which makes the difference.

For those who are interested in giving a talk:

Thanks in advance,