[EuroPython] EPC2003: program + length + public + fees

holger krekel hpk@devel.trillke.net
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 14:41:23 +0100

[Nicolas Chauvat Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 02:13:31PM +0100]
> On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 01:40:10PM +0100, holger krekel wrote:
> > I have this experience and i am not convinced that going for 'big'
> > businesses is what EuroPython should aim for.  There *were* a lot of
> > business contacts last time.  There is plenty of room for improvement
> > supporting business activities but i think it should be aimed at
> > smaller (pythonic:-) businesses.  Maybe do a "lightning business forum" 
> > where people from companies just introduce themselves, their projects ,
> > their plans and possibly their job offers?  After all, there is no place like
> > EuroPython to look for experienced and *dedicated* python programmers! 
> Could you better explain what you call "smaller pythonic businesses"? A 
> few examples of such businesses would help, as well as a few examples of what
> businesses opportunities could arise.

i consider "smaller pythonic businesses" to be companies with less than 
50 people using python for some of their projects.  So Web.de, Zope and 
Reportlab, infrae, a department from an insurance company, Aragne all 
qualify but IBM doesn't :-)  

example opportunity: Web.de (large mail/communication web site)
now looks to offer mail services where a service subscriber can get 
PDF versions of your sent/received mail for archiving purposes (common 
problem for businesses using email).  Juergen comes and sees who
is going to do that for him :-)

another opportunity: an insurance company (i can't name it here) might want 
to extend their MVS/Unix python glue modules to work with a lightweight
pythonic object database because there are sick of oracle.  they send
their chief developer to EuroPython to get contacts and ideas for
solutions.  They won't send their CEO or Product Manager, though.

> I have a feeling that in your opinion, "business at europython" rhymes
> with "let pythonic companies find programmers for consulting job". Is this
> correct?

Not quite.  Also helping the businesses to get to know each other(s solutions
and practices) and organizing communication between companies and people
interested in commercial cooperation.  Showing off solutions and
products is naturally part of the game IMO.  But for all the companies
already using python there should be the message: if you want to talk/get
the brightest people and get up-to-speed with python development, you
*must* come to EuroPython.

Now a counter question: Do you think you can get businesses to EuroPython
which are currently *not* using python and are potentially interested in 
signing contracts?  And who want to have a somewhat more formal arrangement
not beeing distracted by hackers talking about metaclasses?

