[EuroPython] french PR

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Fri, 24 May 2002 13:27:51 +0200

> > And I got a question from one of them, for which I request a reply from
> > the finance department: can the journalists get free access to the
> > (I believe they usually do) ?
> As long as they show up with a press id card.

And more important, we need to know of them in front that they are comming!
So, they've to contact europython@p3b.org.

We've to be really carefull, because with no sponsorship at the moment and
the not
so big amount of registrants, we aren't able to give everybody free
Sorry, this is the fact of life. If almost nobody supports it (sponsership,
...), or there
are not that much people interested in it (# registrations), then we aren't
able to do
some things like these
