[EuroPython] RFV: Next round of press releases

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Tue, 07 May 2002 15:37:00 +0200

(RFV = request for volunteers)

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Correct, therefor we need to make more advertisement! We need to reach more
> > people!
> > Are there people who can reach a vast group of people? Or there persons who
> > can write press-releases?
> You need to send announcements to the standard Python and Zope mailing
> lists.  That's where you get your audience, not through press
> releases.  Recently, a core Python developer in the Netherlands told
> me he didn't know about EuroPython, so you guys need to get on the job
> and spread the word in these circles!


Note that when we talk about press releases, the mailing lists are 
included in the list of targets:


It would be a good idea, however, to include all the known
local Python mailing lists, such as the UK one, the German
one, the Italian one, etc.

I've added a few meta-links for mailing lists to the top of that
wiki page. 

RFV: Could someone please extract the mailto: links for
the mailing lists and forums mentioned on those meta pages
to the wiki ?!

Marc-Andre Lemburg
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
Company & Consulting:                           http://www.egenix.com/
Python Software:                   http://www.egenix.com/files/python/