[EuroPython] Tentative letter (example with Paul Dubois)

Marc Poinot Marc.Poinot@onera.fr
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:27:21 +0100

Here's an example of letter to Paul Dubois.
Please correct my english...
Important points are, names and responsabilities, no ambiguity.
This is the kind of letters we're sending here.

There are no legal points here about his talk copyright, can P3B
put it on web site or not, can speaker put on his own site or not...
I guess this is not relevant for an open source conference.

This is raw ascii text, I can format it (Marc-Andre asked for PDF),
but I've got nothing else but Word here... let me know.

We have to have his ack before sending an official signed letter,
I didn't sent it to him yet. Denis, let me know if I send it or if
you do.

Marcvs [alias Lines marked with # could be added/removed depending 
        on budget... ]

Denis Frere                 
P3B (http://www.p3b.org)
9, rue de Colnet
6040 Charleroi

Brussels, March 11th 2002.

Mr Paul F. Dubois
<exact address of labs here>

Dear Mr Paul Dubois,

on behalf of the P3B association, organizer of the first EuroPython conference,
I confirm you are invited for a talk about your experience of the use of the 
Python langage in the scientific community. 

This conference will take place in Charleroi, Belgium, from 26th to 28th 
of June. You will find all informations about the conference on its web site,
at http://www.europython.org, but you certainly can contact us at any
time if you have a question about your venue to this conference.

The exact schedule of your talk is not yet decided, but it should take
place in the "Scientific Python" topic, as an session opening talk.

#The fees related to your come, including the return flight, hotel, conference
#registration, and meals during the conference days, will be re-imbursed by 
#P3B up to an amount of 1500 euros. You would send related receipts to P3B.

We wish to thank you for accepting to participate to this first Europython 


            Denis Frere
