[EuroPython] Budget

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 09:29:28 +0100

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > 1. When will be the deadline for bringing in papers
> I still believe that for the first conference we should not
> have refereed papers. It just takes too much effort to get this
> right... maybe just me, though. 

> Anyway, given that you typically have two rounds before final 
> acceptance, the submission deadline should probably be around 
> April 1st, the second around 1st of May.

Then we should do a call for 'talks', and not do refereed papers. This
is fine with me, and we can rename the 'call for papers' to something
like 'call for speakers' or whatever that's commonly called. 

> > 2. How much will the confernce cost per person
> Hard to tell. 
> How far has the budget team reached consensus on this ? 
> If not, then please make this top priority !

Preparing a budget is indeed the top priority in my mind.

> I think USD 100 per day, USD 250 for the event, half for
> students make a good scheme, but without a budget estimate,
> this is just pie-in-the-sky talk.

Yes, agreed, we need a budget; perhaps we can halve this or have to
double it, and we just have no idea right now.

