[EuroPython] Questionnaire

Jean-François Roche jfroche@jfroche.be
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 18:47:10 +0200


	Tom went to some deserved vacation. I ll try to help for the
website during this. I have removed the registration link
from the page to prevent people to still register. I 'm working on the
audio tapes of all the conferences, it 'll take some time 'cause i have to
save and compress 31 tapes of 90 minutes each (fortunately not really
full), i have done a few one today and it gives a quite good quality
(http://web.jfroche.be/europython/pauleveritt.mp3 to try the talk of Paul

	Yet i need your help to know which questions should be interesting
to ask to know what does people think about the conference. 

	If you have any photos of the conference that you agree to share
with the community please mail them to me and they 'll be soon on the

	Early thanks.

				Jean-François Roche
			       Member of the Aragne team