[EuroPython] government money, socialism et al.

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Sat, 16 Feb 2002 17:34:28 +0100

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
> > 
> > Laura Creighton wrote:
> > > Free accomodation and conference entry is all we can offer, correct?
> > 
> > Right now we have no money for free accomodation, so we can't offer that,
> > and free conference entry needs to be discussed in the general discussion
> > on budget. I'd like to offer speakers *something* at least; perhaps
> > we can have a student rate which also applies to speakers.
> If at all possible, speakers should not have to pay for the 
> conference -- they already put enough effort into preparing 
> the talk.


> Since budgets are always about legal responsibility, you should
> start thinking about defining the conference legal entities.
> Since the conference team is officially cited at Charleroi, 
> that's probably where you should incorporate the foundation. 
> I hope that these things don't take too long. Donations will 
> have to go to the foundation's bank account and we can't talk 
> about budgets until the first donations start pouring in...

Okay, I hope we can start something like this moving. If not in
Charleroi, then somewhere else..

