[EuroPython] Python tracks/topics

Nicolas Pettiaux nicolas.pettiaux@openbe.org
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 23:44:55 +0100

> > > The track should cover both aspects:
> > > * getting Python accepted in projects
> > > * building business models around Python
> >
> > I concur completely. And I think the Lightning
> > talk/BOF model will permit those interested only in
> > one of the aspects to feel included.

I do think this too. In my position, I publish request for proposals.=20

What I want is : answer from commercial companies when I ask for=20
developpement and support.=20

My purpose with the "business track" (or "python for suits" or anything) =
to let the people who may be influential in the decisions (often they are=
nearly or old techies) that Python/Zope can save their day.

 ... and is a very good solution

Nicolas Pettiaux
Avenue du P=E9rou 29
B-1000 Brussels