[EuroPython] Grouping session to tracks

Dario Lopez-Kästen dario@ita.chalmers.se
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 13:59:21 +0200

> >Tim and I are actively looking for more speakers for the business
> >and web services tracks. The business track seems very popular
> >(the web services one less so), so we would like to assign more
> >sessions to the business track (e.g. 6 sessions for the business
> >track and maybe only 2 sessions for the web services one).
> >
> >Is that possible ?
> IMHO, I see no good reasons why it would not be possible.

sure, why not?

No point in having empty slots for tracks...


- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, dario@ita.chalmers.se        IT Systems & Services
System Developer/System Administrator     Chalmers University of Tech.