[EuroPython-Announce] EuroPython 2017: Early-bird Tickets now on sale!

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Tue Apr 4 04:45:19 EDT 2017

Interested in attending EuroPython? Entry tickets are now on sale and
available on our website.

		  *** Buy your EuroPython ticket ***


Tickets for EuroPython will be sold in three phases:

First, we’ll have a short early-bird ticket phase, where we’ll sell
tickets at a very low rate. Only 200 tickets will be available for
this rate, so be quick. It usually takes just a few days for them to
sell out.

We’ll then switch to the regular rates, and closer to the conference,
to the on-desk rates.

You can get tickets for the whole week, if you don’t want to miss
anything, or buy day passes at the on-desk rates in July to attend
only one or two days.

We further offer three different rates: ‘students’ (including PhD and
postdoc researchers), ‘personal’ and ‘business’ passes (for
companies). Speakers and trainers will benefit of special discounts.
See Call for Proposals for further details:


Take this opportunity and get your ticket now! Prices will increase
the closer we get to the event.

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:

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